Friday, 14 August 2009

anyone remember summer?

Maybe it's my rose tinted specs but i'm sure a few years ago summer was filled with balmy light evenings, the beaches graced with small clean logging waves and the world's cares were far from the minds of the locals as we traded waves & smiles. I'm probably just getting old but the last few summers seem to have been woefully lacking in perfect summer swells, the crowds seem bigger. I started this summer full of optimism as usual and May didn't really disappoint but July and August have seemed like midwinter in parts. I remember a few sessions at P-land battling horizontal rain which made the beach look more like January. Already there's a nip in the air in the mornings and the light is fading faster in the evenings. Our best hope is for another good september filled with light winds and deep lows pitched in the mid atlantic. There's always hope...


glider said...

radical photograph- nicely done

kk said...

So true. We live in hope...

Wheardo said...

i think thurday evening summer returned for a couple of hours, it was about 1 1/2ft ft, not a breath of wind and the setting sun was making the sky crazy colours, but then it was dark at half 9, and the next day it was back to normal

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